Updated: 11/23/2021
Bugs/Issues In Progress
- The PopFacts audiences for the mid-year release (202106) are returning irregular Total and Target Impressions data
- Market Plan plans with 2021 and 202106 (mid-year forecast) Audiences and Reach % as the plan goal are failing (for the time being this goal option has been removed from plans with these Audience Data Sources and will be re-implemented once the function is resolved)
- Some users are experiencing strike-throughs on their inventory plan grid (workaround below)
- Modifying Market Plan data in the expanded table view does not save the changes instantly even though the UI says the data is saving (workaround below)
- 'Fleet Exterior - Dynamic' inventory is being researched and that option is currently unavailable
- In Explore, the Operator ID Field of Specific Spots is not accurately validating and returning spots (fix completed in lower environments)
Recently Completed Fixes
- The Crosstab function in the Tableau Reports explorer has been resolved and restored (released 11/23/2021)
- The Impression Variation report has been updated and is not live in the Insights Suite Reports module (released 11/23/2021)
- Allow users to add multiple media attributes as individual attributes (released 10/25/2021)
- Add edit and delete function to saved inventory sets in Workspace (released 10/25/2021)
- Add the option to upload spots and specific dates to the Inventory Plan generation page (released 10/25/2021)
- The Custom Shape tool in Explore (Radius and Polygon) is now filtering selected spots as expected (released 10/12/2021)
- In the Notification Window, PDF and CSV report jobs that fail are not auto-clearing after the 60-minute time limit (released 9/8/2021)
- Persons 0+ not a selectable audience for 2021 Data Source (released 8/16/2021)
- Operator Spot IDs are not validating as expected when entered into the Specific IDs menus of Explore and Workspace (released 8/12/2021)
- The specific IDs list in Explore is not sorting as expected (released 8/12/2021)
Known Issues
- Operator Media Name list is not reflecting selected/filtered Operators in Workspace
- In Explore, the "Top Contributing DMA" map does not populate the DMAs
- Using the Print View option in Explore does not print a list of the selected inventory, only the map
- When applying "Filter by Place Set and Radius" in the Population Library, the summary measures are replaced with N/A
- Intermittent issue; sometimes Inventory Plan notifications are not displaying for In Progress or Generated plans, giving 502 error
- In Explore, when trying to export a group of Inventory Detail Sheets, the landscape option doesn't work; everything is exported in portrait
- Operator and Geopath ID Labels not showing on the map in Explore
- Users are unable to completely log out of the Insights Suite to a log in page
- In the Population Library of Explore, certain audiences are not pulling measures and displaying the "Define a population to see the geographies" message
- The "Effective Reach = 3" option in some Market Plans is not being calculated correctly
- Place Type showing N/A is some table results and CSV exports
- When uploading a CSV of Inventory from the plan generation page, the scenario is automatically being generated once the market is chosen
- In-Market Target Comp Index and In-Market Target Impressions thresholds are being automatically added to Market and Inventory plan parameters upon plan generation
- (workaround below)
- Search in the Places Library isn't filtering the map as expected
Suggested Enhancements/Improvements
- Allow package data to be updated by selecting and changing the Reach % value
- Allow for multiple specific date-ranges to be uploaded from a CSV
- Export plans with multiple audience/market combinations into a single CSV
- When modifying Market Plan data within the Expanded Table view, click the Recalculate Measures button a second time after the data calculation process has begun. This will save and apply the updated measures to the main plan table. An improvement to the underlying save function of the expanded table is being developed for a future release
- If a newly generated Inventory Plan displays strike-throughs in the plan table, navigate back to the Sandbox/Project list page and reopen the scenario. The strike-throughs should be gone
- It has been observed that the automatically added Thresholds can affect plan outcomes in some cases. Ensuring that the Thresholds are removed before the initial generation will pull correct measures/spot counts. Subsequent regenerations will also require the Thresholds are removed before regeneration
- Use this link to download Daily Mobility reports from Tableau: https://public.tableau.com/views/DailyMobility-CBSATab/CBSATab_1?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link
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