- To be able to use a new tech. product, someone has to show me how- Agree
- I Am More Likely to Buy a Brand That I Know Supports a Charity- Agree
- Use Social Network to find out about products and services - Important
- Radio keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends- Agree
- Use Social Network to find info about a move, TV station or show- Important
- Internet Ads Are Amusing- Agree
- I Follow a Regular Exercise Routine- Agree
- I only go to the doctor when I'm very ill- Agree
- The Internet is Not a Secure Way to Make Travel Plans- Agree
- Radio makes me think- Agree
- Magazines are pure entertainment- Agree
- I am Among First of my Friends to try new Technology Products- Agree
- TV puts me in a good mood- Agree
- Internet is a good source of learning- Agree
- Magazines make me think- Agree
- The Internet is a good way to meet new people- Agree
- Use Social Network to Play games- Important
- The Internet has little impact on my daily life- Agree
- I Would Rather Travel in the U.S. than to a Foreign Location- Agree
- TV is pure entertainment- Agree
- Use Social Network to Rate or review a product or service- Important
- The Internet is a good thing, but I worry too much tech. can be bad- Agree
- TV relaxes me- Agree
- Use Social Network to Keep in touch with family/friends - Important
- Radio Ads Give Useful Info on Bargains- Agree
- Media Trusted the Most- Newspapers
- Building electronics is a hobby of mine- Agree
- I'm Happy to do Very Little, if any, Sightseeing on My Vacations- Agree
- I was nervous about using computers, I'm much more comfortable now- Agree
- Newspapers are a good escape- Agree
- My Cultural/Ethnic Heritage is an Important Part of Who I Am- Agree
- TV keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends- Agree
- Internet keeps me informed/up to date- Agree
- It's imp. to me that my kids continue my familys cultural traditions-Agree
- Its Worth it to Pay more for Higher Quality Hotel Accommodations- Agree
- Use Social Network to gain access to VIP or Members-Only events- Important
- In General- I feel I Eat Right- Agree
- Juggling Family and Work Demands Is Very Stressful for Me- Agree
- Internet is a good escape- Agree
- I often take opp. to discuss my knowledge of tech/elec prods w/others-Agree
- Spending Time with My Family is My Top Priority- Agree
- I Rely on my Physician to Recommend Drug Brands- Agree
- The Best Vacation is Restful Without Too Much Physical Exercise- Agree
- Radio Ads Are Repeated too Often- Agree
- Find Tech/Electronics Product I like- I Recommend to Others- Agree
- I'm fascinated by new technology- Agree
- Sometimes I skip a dose of RX drugs because side effects worry me -Agree
- TV Ads Give Good Info on New Products/Services- Agree
- Radio is pure entertainment- Agree
- Use Social Network to Meet new friends - Important
- Risk-taking is Exciting to Me- Agree
- Keeping a Neat and Organized Home is a Top Priority for Me- Agree
- I Often Take the Opportunity to Discuss Vacation Options w/Others- Agree
- I am Happy with my Weight- Agree
- Newspapers keep me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends- Agree
- To me, it's important to always be reachable wherever I am- Agree
- Rather Book a Trip over the Internet than Meet Travel Agent- Agree
- Magazines keep me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends- Agree
- Magazines relax me- Agree
- I take my prescription medicines exactly as prescribed- Agree
- Newspaper Ads Have No Credibility- Agree
- Radio relaxes me- Agree
- Travel/Hotel Discounts Strong Influence Where I Travel/Stay- Agree
- I Enjoy Learning About Vacation Options from Others- Agree
- In General- Newer Drug Brands Work Better than Older Brands- Agree
- I Work Primarily for the Salary- Agree
- Media Trusted the Most- Internet
- TV Ads Are Amusing- Agree
- Magazines keep me informed/up to date- Agree
- Media Trusted the Most- Television
- I give others advice when they're looking to buy tech. or elec prods- Agree
- Vitamin supplements improve one's health- Agree
- Use Social Network to Meet or network with professional contacts- Important
- I want others to say wow when they see my electronics- Agree
- Radio Ads Are Alike- Agree
- Newspaper Ads Are Amusing- Agree
- My Philosophy is Life Should be as Much Fun as Possible- Agree
- Radio keeps me informed/up to date- Agree
- I like to be connected, either by phone or Internet, at all times- Agree
- Radio Ads Have No Credibility- Agree
- On My Vacations, I Prefer Traveling to Places I've Never Been- Agree
- I Love Doing Research on a Location Before I Go on Vacation- Agree
- TV Ads Are Alike- Agree
- Planning a vacation is just as much fun as the trip itself- Agree
- Use Social Network to show support for favorite companies/brands- Important
- Magazines give me good ideas- Agree
- Instant Messenger Keeps Me in Touch With My Friends- Agree
- I Often Spend More Money Than I Expected to On My Fashion Purchases- Agree
- Internet puts me in a good mood- Agree
- I Prefer Popular Brand-Name Drugs- Even if They Cost More- Agree
- Use Social-Networking site- 1mo
- Going online is one of my favorite things to do with my free time- Agree
- Being Able to Customize an Item Makes Me More Willing to Purchase It- Agree
- Internet Ads Give Good Info on New Products/Services- Agree
- My Home is an Expression of My Personal Style- Agree
- I Buy New Clothes at the Beginning of Each Season- Agree
- TV Ads Appear at Inconvenient Moments- Agree
- The Internet is great to get info on products/services I might buy- Agree
- I enjoy reading about new technology products- Agree
- I take medicine as soon as I don't feel well- Agree
- I Would Rather Prepare a Meal than Eat in a Restaurant- Agree
- TV Ads Are Repeated too Often- Agree
- Traveling to Foreign Places is Great for Learning Other Cultures- Agree
- Magazines put me in a good mood- Agree
- Radio is a good escape- Agree
- I Only Spend What I Budget on Fashion Items- Agree
- Use Social Network to find info about news/other current events- Important
- Magazines are a good escape- Agree
- Computers can be a good source of entertainment- Agree
- Newspaper Ads Are Alike- Agree
- TV Ads Give Good Info on Consumer Prod Use- Agree
- The Internet is a main source of entertainment for me- Agree
- To me, it's important to keep up-to-date with news, current affairs- Agree
- Magazine Ads Give Good Info on Consumer Product Use- Agree
- The Internet is a great way to actually buy products- Agree
- Internet Ads Give Good Information on Consumer Product Use- Agree
- I Frequently Choose Active Vacations with Lots to Do- Agree
- Magazine Ads Are Repeated too Often- Agree
- Last-minute travel specials are a great way to get a bargain- Agree
- I Prefer Alternative Medicine to Traditional Practices- Agree
- I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree
- I like to read reviews before buying technology or electronics- Agree
- Radio Ads Give Good Info on Consumer Prod Use- Agree
- I often others advice when it comes to tech. or electronic prods-Agree
- Newspaper Ads Give Good Info on Consumer Products Use- Agree
- I Often Ask The Advice of Others When It Comes to Vacation Travel- Agree
- Internet keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends- Agree
- I think people put too much private info about their lives on Internet-Agree
- Radio gives me good ideas- Agree
- Newspapers put me in a good mood- Agree
- Religion Should be the Pillar of Our Society- Agree
- Newspaper Ads Give Good Info on New Products/Services- Agree
- People Who Are Worried About the Environment Are Overreacting- Agree
- The Internet is a great way to communicate with family/friends- Agree
- Technology helps make my life more organized- Agree
- Magazine Ads Have No Credibility- Agree
- I Prefer Fashion that is Classic and Timeless as Opposed to Trendy- Agree
- I Only Buy Shoes and Clothing When I Have to Replace Something- Agree
- Newspapers keep me informed/up to date- Agree
- People Often Ask My Advice When It Comes to Vacation Travel- Agree
- Find a Great Vacation- I Recommend to Others- Agree
- Medication has improved the quality of my life- Agree
- When I Find a Vacation Spot I Like, I Go Back Whenever I Can- Agree
- I Am Loyal to Only a Few Fashion Brands and Stick with Them- Agree
- I Go to the Doctor Regularly for Check-Ups- Agree
- Group Tours are Fun and a Good Way to Meet People- Agree
- Internet makes me think- Agree
- I'd Rather Take a Few Weekend Vacations Than One Long Vacation- Agree
- I Often Use Natural or Organic Beauty Products- Agree
- I'm willing to take RX drugs even if my insurance doesn't cover them- Agree
- Radio is a good source of learning- Agree
- The Internet allowed me to learn things I probably wouldn't have- Agree
- In general, price is more important vs. convenience in travel planning-Agree
- Internet gives me good ideas- Agree
- I consult my pharmacist for health advice- Agree
- Pets deserve to be pampered- Agree
- Generic Medications as Effective as Brand-Name RX drugs- Agree
- Use Social Network to find local information - Important
- Magazine Ads Are Alike- Agree
- Magazine Ads Give Useful Information on Bargains- Agree
- If a drug brand works, I stick with it- Agree
- I Rely on Magazines to Keep Me Up to Date on Fashion- Agree
- Internet relaxes me- Agree
- TV is a good source of learning- Agree
- Use Social Network to find people with interests similar to mine- Important
- Newspapers relax me- Agree
- I'd Rather Travel By Myself or with Just a Small Group of People- Agree
- I am Often First to try the Most Advanced Medicines- Agree
- Internet Ads Are Alike- Agree
- Newspaper Ads Are Repeated too Often- Agree
- TV gives me good ideas- Agree
- I Would Buy RX Drugs from Other Countries- to Save Money- Agree
- My medical conditions limit my lifestyle somewhat- Agree
- Use Social Network to receive exclusive offers/coupons/discounts- Important
- Radio Ads Give Good Info on New Products/Services- Agree
- Use Social Network to Reconnect with people from my past- Important
- Use Social Network to Follow the activities of my friends/family- Important
- Media Trusted the Most- Magazines
- Willing to Pay More for a Flight on my Favorite Airline- Agree
- Packaged Deals are Great, Because I Don't Have to Plan Too Much- Agree
- TV is a good escape- Agree
- TV makes me think- Agree
- I enjoy learning about tech. or electronic products from others- Agree
- Radio Ads Appear at Inconvenient Moments- Agree
- Prayer is a Part of My Daily Life- Agree
- Newspaper Ads Give Useful Info on Bargains- Agree
- Computers are too confusing to be of much use to me- Agree
- I like to have a lot of gadgets- Agree
- Internet Ads Are Repeated too Often- Agree
- Technology has little impact on my daily life- Agree
- Concerns about Security Issues Have Made Me Less Likely to Travel- Agree
- I Prefer Guided Tours to Traveling Independently- Agree
- I Would Continue Working Even If I Won the Lottery- Agree
- Newspapers make me think- Agree
- My Goal is to Make it to the Top of My Profession- Agree
- My Friends are the Most Important Thing in My Life- Agree
- Newspapers are a good source of learning- Agree
- Internet Ads Have No Credibility- Agree
- TV keeps me informed/up to date- Agree
- TV Ads Give Useful Info on Bargains- Agree
- Internet Ads Appear at Inconvenient Moments- Agree
- Internet Ads Give Useful Info on Bargains- Agree
- Newspapers give me good ideas- Agree
- Newspapers are pure entertainment- Agree
- TV Ads Have No Credibility- Agree
- Other Interests are Equally Important as Family- Agree
- Magazine Ads Give Good Info on New Products/Services- Agree
- Over the Counter Medications are Safer than RX Drugs- Agree
- Magazines are a good source of learning- Agree
- Radio puts me in a good mood- Agree
- Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree
- Marriage Should Only be Legal Between a Man and a Woman- Agree
- In General- I Think Herbal Supplements are Effective- Agree
- Internet is pure entertainment- Agree
- I would feel disconnected without the Internet- Agree
- Comfort is One of the Most Important Factors in Selecting Fashion- Agree
- Media Trusted the Most- Radio
- Before taking any drug, I look for as much info. about it as possible- Agree
- Always Looking for New Ways to Live Healthier Life- Agree
- I like to keep my personal Internet pgs updated w/ info about my life- Agree
- Like to Shop Around Before Making a Purchase- Agree
- Choosing Cell Phone Provider-Customer Service- Important
- Will Pay More for Environmentally Safe Product- Agree
- For me, ads in magazines appears at inconvenient moments- Agree
- I research/compare as many vehicles I can before final buy decision- Agree
- I look for vehicles that offer higher performance and acceleration- Agree
- Like to Look at Ads- Agree
- I Enjoy Customizing the Look and Sound of My Cell Phone- Agree
- Choose Store Because Store Personnel Service- Agree
- Global Warming is a Serious Threat- Agree
- Enjoy Wandering Store for New and Interesting Products- Agree
- Only Purchase Products Online When I Have Coupon or Promo Code- Agree
- My Kids Have an Impact on the Brands I Choose- Agree
- Will Buy on Credit Rather than Wait- Agree
- I Would Pay Mthly Subscription Fee to Receive Live TV on Cell Phone- Agree
- Often, I Eat My Meals on the Run- Agree
- I Prefer Cooking With Fresh Food Rather Than Canned or Frozen- Agree
- Advertisements on Cell Phones are Annoying- Agree
- Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree
- I Would Use Some Features on Cell Phone but do not Know How to- Agree
- I Enjoy Trying Different Types of Food- Agree
- There are one or two financial institutions I always turn to first- Agree
- I Like to Learn About Foreign Cultures- Agree
- People Ask Me for Purchasing Advice- Agree
- For me, ads on mobile phones appears at inconvenient moments - Agree
- Buy Brands that Reflect My Style- Agree
- Investing for the future is very important to me- Agree
- I want a vehicle with comforts of a car and capabilities of a truck- Agree
- Brands in Ads Better Quality Than Brands Not - Agree
- I often ask the advice of others about to financial prods/services- Agree
- Even if Things Look Messy- I Know Where Everything is- Agree
- I Try to Eat a Healthy Breakfast Every Day- Agree
- Concerned about Environment When Buying Natural Products- Agree
- I avoid confrontation whenever possible- Agree
- Will Pay More for a Brand I Trust- Agree
- Influenced by What's Hot and What's Not- Agree
- I Typically Celebrate Special Occasions at Restaurants- Agree
- Spouse Has Impact on the Brands I Choose- Agree
- I Like to Live a Lifestyle that Impresses Others- Agree
- Concerned about Family Health When Buying Natural Products- Agree
- I Enjoy Being the Center of Attention- Agree
- Many Prods Don't Perform as Well as Ads claim- Agree
- I always know broadly how much is in my bank acct. at any one time- Agree
- I Purchase Most Expensive Model with all Luxury Options- Agree
- Only Buy Food Items that are Name-Brand, Not Generic Brands- Agree
- I Attend Religious Services Regularly- Agree
- Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree
- Change Brands Often for Variety/Novelty- Agree
- Try to Eat Healthy and Pay Attention to my Nutrition- Agree
- Generic/store brand products are as effective as brand-name products-Agree
- I Only Eat Fast Food When I'm in a Rush- Agree
- People often ask my advice when it comes to automobiles- Agree
- I often ask the advice of others when it comes to automobiles- Agree
- I See Myself as Somewhat of a Loner- Agree
- I Don't Have Very Much Interest In Cooking- Agree
- Frequently Wish I Had More Time to Spend With My Family- Agree
- Primary Reason I have My Cell Phone is for Safety- Agree
- Choosing Cell Phone Provider-Service Plans- Important
- I Rely on Product Labels to Help Me Make Decisions When Food Shopping- Agree
- I am Interested in Watching Video Clips on My Cell Phone- Agree
- I enjoy learning about automobiles from others- Agree
- Often Save Money by Buying Previously Used Items Online - Agree
- I Would Text Message More Often if it Were Less Expensive- Agree
- I Would Use Internet on My Cell More Often if it were Less Expensive- Agree
- I Don't Allow Junk Food in my Home- Agree
- I choose a small group of friends vs a large group of acquaintances-Agree
- I Must Admit that I Work Most Weekends- Agree
- For me, advertising on mobile phones has no credibility - Agree
- I Purchase Products to Help Organize My Life- Agree
- I Would Use Internet on My Cell More Often if it were Easier to Read- Agree
- Like to Take Risks when Investing for Chance of High Return- Agree
- I'd be happy to use the Internet for day to day banking transactions- Agree
- I often take opp. to discuss my knowledge of financial prods/services- Agree
- Spender Rather than a Saver- Agree
- Favorite Grocery Store Offers Low Prices every day- Agree
- I consider myself to be an automotive enthusiast- Agree
- Important How Personal Care and Household Products Smell- Agree
- I Don't Pay Much Attention to My Intake of Fat- Agree
- I Prefer a Set Routine in My Daily Life- Agree
- I'm Always on the Lookout for Quick and Easy Meal Options- Agree
- Find Financial Products/Services I like- Recommend to Others- Agree
- I prefer buying models of vehicles I or folks I know owned and like- Agree
- When I Find a Restaurant I Like, I Stick with It- Agree
- Rebates/incentives strongly influence new vehicle purchasing decision-Agree
- Company's Environment Record Important in Purchase Decisions- Agree
- For me, advertising on mobile phones is amusing - Agree
- I feel overwhelmed by financial burdens- Agree
- The economy has a direct effect on my spending habits- Agree
- Fun to Drive a Top Consideration in my Purchasing Decision- Agree
- Find Food Product Like- I Recommend to Others- Agree
- Environmental Safety More Important than Convenience- Agree
- People often ask my advice when it comes to financial matters- Agree
- Ads on mobile phones provides meaningful info on others product use -Agree
- The quality of workmanship/construction of a vehicle, most important- Agree
- Price Is More Important than Brand Names- Agree
- Find Vehicle I Like- Recommend to People I Know- Agree
- I enjoy personalizing my vehicle to reflect my individual tastes- Agree
- Don't Buy Based on Advertising- Agree
- I Evaluate the Nutrition of Menu Items When Ordering at a Restaurant- Agree
- I Often Find Myself in a Leadership Position- Agree
- I Find the Ups and Downs of the Financial Markets Exciting- Agree
- I think of vehicles as basic transportation- Agree
- I am Typically Willing to Pay More for High-Quality Items- Agree
- I Let My Children Make Their Own Decisions Ordering at a Restaurant- Agree
- I Rarely Eat Frozen Dinners- Agree
- I Seek Out Variety in My Everyday Life- Agree
- My Cell Phone is an Extension of My Personality- Agree
- How I deal with my finances reflects how my parents dealt with theirs- Agree
- Better to Put Money in Low-risk- Even if Return not as Great- Agree
- Only Use Coupons for Brands I Usually Buy- Agree
- Brand Name is the Best Indication of Quality- Agree
- Borrowing money makes me feel uncomfortable- Agree
- Often Seek Advice of Others Before Buying- Agree
- Will Keep Landline Telephone Even if Cell Service Improves- Agree
- I Expect quality of video on cell phone to be equal to TV- Agree
- I consider my work to be a career, not just a job- Agree
- Investing in the Stock Market is too Risky for Me- Agree
- One Mobile Device that Can do Everything is Very Convenient- Agree
- I look forward to technology advances in new vehicles- Agree
- Text Messaging is an Important Part of My Daily Life- Agree
- I Often Use Recipes When Preparing a meal- Agree
- I am more likely to buy brands that support a cause that I care about-Agree
- I'm a Creature of Habit, and Stick to the Food I Know I Like- Agree
- Celebrity Endorsement May Influence Buying Product- Agree
- I Like to See Healthier Options at Fast Food Restaurants- Agree
- I Think of My Mobile Phone as a Source of Entertainment- Agree
- During a Given Week, I Cook Meals Frequently- Agree
- I Indulge My Cravings For Sweets- Agree
- I Often Use My Cell Phone to Make Phone Calls from My Home- Agree
- Sometimes My Cell Phone Makes Me Feel that I am Too Available- Agree
- Prefer Stores with Many Familiar Brands- Agree
- For me, all ads on mobile phones are alike- Agree
- Offer of Free Shipping Attracts Me to Shopping Site - Agree
- I'm happy to use the phone for day to day banking transactions- Agree
- Having a versatile vehicle for my busy lifestyle is important to me- Agree
- I am interested in watching live TV on my cell phone: Agree
- I Would Receive Ads on My Cell Phone in Exchange for Services- Agree
- My parents tend/tended to be savers- Agree
- Buying American Products Is Important to Me- Agree
- Expect Brands I Buy to support Social Causes-Agree
- Most Ads Are Annoying- Agree
- I Would Use Text Messaging if I Knew How to do it- Agree
- Annoyed by all of the Signs in Stores- Agree
- Ads Are More Manipulative Than Informative- Agree
- I Enjoy Showing Off My Home to Guests- Agree
- I'ts better having what you want now, you don't know about tomorrow- Agree
- Use the Internet to Buy Hard-to-Find Products - Agree
- I Typically Drink Wine With Dinner- Agree
- Buy Things My Friends/Neighbors Approve of- Agree
- I Don't Mind Giving Up My Personal Time for Work- Agree
- Dinners in My Home Are Usually Planned Ahead of Time- Agree
- Children have a Right to be Spoiled- Agree
- I Enjoy Maintaining Traditions- Agree
- Wait for Others to Try Things Before I Buy- Agree
- I Make Sure I Take Time for Myself Each Day- Agree
- Think Coupon Offer Means Overpriced Before- Agree
- I Like to Shower my Loved Ones with Gifts- Agree
- I Consider Myself to be Very Sociable- Agree
- People Often Ask My Advice When it Comes to Food- Agree
- I often take the opp. to discuss my knowledge of vehicles with others-Agree
- Choosing Cell Phone Provider- Available Phone Models- Important
- I seek out vehicles w/bold, new designs diff. from others on the road- Agree
- I Strive to Achieve a High Social Status- Agree
- Don't Have Time to Save Coupons- Agree
- Think Shopping Is a Great Way to Relax- Agree
- Like to Share My Opinions on Prods./Services Posting Reviews Online- Agree
- I Would Use Internet on My Cell More Often if the Web Loaded Easier- Agree
- Will Switch Brands to Use a Cents-Off Coupon- Agree
- Will Purchase Generic Brands Over My Normal Name-Brand- Agree
- If a Food Item Is on Sale, I Buy Multiple Units to Stock Up- Agree
- Frozen Dinners Are a Convenient Alternative For a Meal- Agree
- I Carry My Cell Phone Everywhere I Go- Agree
- When I Find a Brand I Like- I Stick to It- Agree
- Often Annoyed By Others Talking Loudly on Cell Phones in Public- Agree
- I Feel I am More Environmentally Conscious than Most- Agree
- I love keeping up with celebrity news and gossip- Agree
- Given the Choice- I Would be My Own Boss- Agree
- Want Cell Phone for Calls but do not Use Other Features- Agree
- I am more connected to my ethnic heritage than my parents are- Agree
- I plan to buy vehicle that best meets my needs, no care who/where made-Agree
- I enjoy learning about financial products or services from others- Agree
- Food Is a Comfort to Me- Agree
- I Try to Eat Dinner with My Family Almost Every Night- Agree
- For me, advertising on mobile phones is repeated too often - Agree
- I always maintain my vehicle as recommended by the mfg's manual- Agree
- I Try to Buy Foods Grown or Produced Locally (region where I live)- Agree
- Like to Compare Sites Prices Before Purchasing Online - Agree
- I Smell Personal Care and Household Products in Store Before I Buy- Agree
- I Enjoy Being Creative In the Kitchen- Agree
- I Would Text Message More Often if it Were Easier to Type- Agree
- I Consider Myself Sophisticated- Agree
- Cell Phones are too Complicated these Days- Agree
- Check Ingredients/Nutrition of Food Before Buy- Agree
- I Often Feel Like My Life is Slipping Out of Control- Agree
- Important that Salespeople Know their Products- Agree
- I am so Busy I Often can't Finish Everything I Need to do in a Day- Agree
- Typically Read Online Reviews Before Purchasing Online - Agree
- Ads Keep Me Up-to-Date about Products/Services I Want- Agree
- I am Very Interested in the Fine Arts- Agree
- I Regularly Eat Organic Foods- Agree
- Buy the Brands I Grew Up With- Agree
- Ads on mobile phones provides useful info about bargains- Agree
- I Understand How to Use Most of the Features on My Cell Phone- Agree
- I typically look at several brands when shopping for a new vehicle- Agree
- For me, ads in magazines is amusing- Agree
- I only save for a specific purpose- Agree
- Shopping Used to Be More Enjoyable- Agree
- Fast Food Is Junk Food- Agree
- I Would Receive Ads on My Cell Phone for Lower Mthly Costs- Agree
- I consider safety first when shopping for a new vehicle- Agree
- I always follow the advice of my mechanic- Agree
- I Consider Myself Outspoken- Agree
- I regularly read financial news or financial publications- Agree
- Ads on mobile phones provides useful info on new products/services- Agree
- I am Interested in Finding Out How I Can Help the Environment- Agree
- Number One Goal When Shopping is to Save as Much Money as Possible- Agree
- I'm loyal to my vehicle brands and stick with them- Agree
- Prefer To Shop At Specialized Stores- Agree
- Pay Extra For a Product that Suits My Image- Agree
- Government Should Pay More Attention to Environmental Issues- Agree
- Eating at a Fast Food Restaurant Is Fun- Agree
- First of My Friends to Try New Products/Services- Agree
- Know Price of the Foods/Packaged Goods I Buy- Agree
- I Feel Really Good Seeing Celebrities that Share My Ethnic Background- Agree
- I'm Fine with Eating at a Restaurant By Myself- Agree
- I Tend to Make Impulse Purchases- Agree
- I Buy Vehicles that Reflect my Commitment to the Environment- Agree
- I Prefer Picking up Quick Meals to Cooking Meals- Agree
- I'm Willing to Spend More for a Quality Bottle of Wine- Agree
- Prefer Purchasing Items Online for Set Price vs. Bidding in Auction- Agree
- I Like to Give the Impression that My Life is Under Control- Agree
- My first consideration in choosing a vehicle is exterior styling- Agree
- I hate to borrow money; I would much rather save up for a purchase- Agree
- The vehicle a person owns says a lot about him or her- Agree
- Choosing Cell Phone Provider- Service Coverage Area- Important
- I hate having to go to the branch of my bank or savings institution- Agree
- Rather Receive Sample than Price-Off Coupon- Agree
- I Only Answer My Cell Phone When I Know Who is Calling- Agree
- Want the Cheapest and Easiest to Maintain Vehicle I can Find- Agree
- I Consider Myself a Spiritual Person- Agree
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