In interviews and reviews of how users interacted with Workspace, we identified key areas of improvement and have implemented initial solutions.
*Workspace is a dynamic tool that will be continuously improved.
Core Workspace issues to Solve:
1. Get results without having to decide on saving, naming and record organization.
✓ Sandbox: Draft Campaign allows you to add and retrieve plans without creating a campaign.
✓ Auto-naming of Plans
2. Initial Load Time: combined market and Inventory plan and auto-generate created lag time while each Audience and market selection recalculated.
✓ Separated plan types and plans are only generated after minimum entries are made.
3. Inventory Plan Load Time: There can be hundreds or thousands of spots loading in an inventory plan, across multiple audiences. The past workspace locked the screen, forcing user to wait while plans generated.
✓ Offline processing allows user to generate multiple plans and be notified when they're ready. Allows multi-tasking while plans are running.
4. General Design:
The large widgets at the top of the screen were cumbersome; users had to scroll to find results.
✓ Simplified Create and View screens make what's important at each step prominent.
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